The #WOCinTECH Stock Images are available in WordPress via Pexels, Unsplash, Buffer & their original home, Flickr

I look like a coder

The #WOCinTech Stock Images Are Back!

Over the past few months, support for the #WOCinTech stock photos shoots has been amazing. Our initial collection featured an assortment of headshots, meeting shots, and shots of women reading and sharing information.

For these shoots, we wanted to have a more expansive collection of shots that featured women of color technologists doing what they do in their actual day-to-day: lead meetings, brainstorm, whiteboard with colleagues, and code, while staying true to what real tech office environments look like.

Today, we’re excited to announce the release of the second batch of #WOCinTech stock images. The third batch will be released at the end of March.

Special thanks goes out to our partners Trello and Microsoft NYC for providing the event spaces that provided a wonderful backdrop. Thank you to our additional sponsors: GitHub, Buffer, and Google Women Techmakers for funding the shoots and ensuring the quality and continued proliferation of these free stock images.

Our stock images are available for use under a Creative Commons Attribution license, allowing you to use them for free as long as you provide attribution (it can be formatted as follows: Photos/Images by #WOCinTech/#WOCinTech Chat). Reach out to us on Twitter @wocintechchat to share all of the ways you’re using these wonderful photos!

View the full collection on Flickr.